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24 January 2013

Genesis 22

Abraham's life  -- and in particular his life with God -- had its ups and downs.  He had his moments of failure, usually brought on by cowardice and unwillingness to trust God, and usually having to do with his wife Sarah.  He also had his mountaintop experiences, in which he grew as close to God as any mortal man ever did.

Genesis 22 details probably the darkest and most heartbreaking mountaintop experience in history, with the possible exception of Christ's crucifixion.

Much has been made of the parallels between the sacrifice of Isaac and the Crucifixion.  Both Isaac and Christ fit the description of the only and beloved son; both Isaac and Christ had to submit to their own deaths.  The willingness of both fathers to sacrifice is indicative of the overwhelming love they felt.  The greatest difference occurs at the moment of execution, when the knife is poised and the father is determined to drive it into his son's heart.

At this moment, when he has committed himself and everything he loves to God and is bringing the blade down to pierce his son's flesh, Abraham hears those blessed words, "Do not lay your hand on the boy."  God steps in, and the knife is halted in its grim path.  Halted, but not taken away.

The knife hangs there for 2000 years.  It will draw blood; a beloved son will die to prove his father's unwavering love.  But it won't be Isaac.  God spared him, and spared Abraham the pain of sacrificing his son, his only son, whom he loved.

But God didn't spare himself that.

1 comment:

  1. You are so eloquent, Mr Bloom... and right on the target. You know what, you are a rare gem in the history of the Church, from the Apostles to G+. It is wonderful to have you and your Christ Centered Ministry. Thank God for you. Phil
